Saturday, August 04, 2012

i've trapped

he entered my heart once I knew him

when he move, i can't lost sight in him

i can't blink just for a second 

or i lost the moments

when he spoke, my world is his

i can't find place to stepped on

everything around me seems black and white

only me. and him.

it just a tiny bud from the first

but then it growing day by day

until i can't find any reasons to stop loving him

i've trapped

i can't find a way back 

to my normal self, to my self before i knew him

loving him is like breathing

i'll die once  i stopped 

and i can't find why i should

I'm thinking, 

i don't want to marry anyone unless its him

i can't help it

my heart chose him

he's a perfection walking on the earth 

he's the precious one in my eyes

i know i am stupid to love someone too good for me

i breathe his name, and he don't even know mine

i can't stop

i don't even want to try 

"네가 없는 하루 어떻게 견딜지 정말 몰라?

내 평생에 하나뿐인 너는 정말 특별한 걸"

- without you how do I live the day?

in my life only you are the most special-

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